Glossary terms
An avatar, also known as a userpic (derived from "User's picture"), is a visual representation of a user that is publicly displayed. In the realm of Metaverses, an avatar refers to a digital rendition of a real individual, which can be portrayed in either a lifelike or stylized manner.

Avatars serve as the digital embodiments of users within virtual environments, allowing them to interact, communicate, and navigate the digital world through their personalized virtual representations.
AR masks are three-dimensional objects or filters that are superimposed onto specific elements of reality, typically overlapping onto a person's face, hair, or the background. These masks utilize augmented reality (AR) technology to enhance or modify the visual appearance of the real-world environment captured through a camera or device.

AR masks are commonly used in applications such as social media platforms and video chat services to add playful or creative effects to live video feeds, allowing users to transform their appearance or surroundings in real-time.

AR Masks
Augmented reality headsets encompass a variety of devices, such as augmented reality browsers, AR glasses, and software applications designed for mobile devices. These technologies overlay digital information and virtual objects onto the real-world environment, enhancing the user's perception of reality by blending computer-generated elements with the physical surroundings.

Augmented reality headsets enable users to interact with digital content in a contextually relevant manner, offering innovative ways to access information, visualize data, and engage with virtual elements within their immediate environment.

Augmented Reality Headsets
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital objects onto the real world, enhancing the user's perception of their surroundings by blending virtual elements with the physical environment. Through AR, users can interact with digital content that appears to coexist in their real-world environment, creating an immersive and interactive experience.

An example of augmented reality is the ability to take a photo with a digital character overlaid onto the camera view, seamlessly integrating virtual elements into the user's live view of the world. AR technology enriches the user's interaction with the physical world by overlaying digital information, graphics, or animations onto real-world scenes, offering innovative and engaging experiences across various applications.

Augmented Reality (AR)
Animation is the process of giving life to any two-dimensional or three-dimensional object. Through animation, objects can be manipulated by rotating, moving, and transforming them in ways that mimic real-world physics and movements. This dynamic process allows static objects to become dynamic and engaging, creating the illusion of motion and bringing them to life.

Animators use various techniques and tools to animate objects, bringing creativity and storytelling to visual content across different media such as films, video games, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) content, and advertisements.

An AR portal is a mechanism in augmented reality where the environment is presented in a 360-degree mode, providing users with an immersive experience of a virtual space. This environment can be comprised of images, photographs, videos, or three-dimensional graphics created to simulate a realistic setting.

The AR portal acts as a gateway or entrance into a three-dimensional space within the augmented reality realm, allowing users to step into and explore virtual environments from various perspectives and angles. They enhance user engagement and interactivity by offering a seamless transition from the real world into immersive digital landscapes, providing a captivating and interactive augmented reality experience.

AR Portal
3D computer graphics, also known as three-dimensional computer graphics, is a branch of computer graphics that involves the creation, manipulation, and rendering of images in three-dimensional space using specialized software and hardware. It encompasses the representation of objects and scenes with realistic depth, texture, and lighting effects to simulate the appearance of the physical world.

3D computer graphics are widely utilized in various fields, including animation, video games, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), simulations, and visual effects in movies. This technology enables the development of immersive and visually captivating digital experiences that enhance entertainment, education, and design processes.

3D Computer Graphics
CGI graphics, short for Computer-Generated Imagery graphics, refer to the creation of visual content using computer software and hardware to generate images, animations, or visual effects. CGI graphics encompass a wide range of techniques and tools to produce realistic or stylized digital visuals that may be difficult or impossible to create using traditional methods. They consist of high-quality images or videos generated using three-dimensional graphics.

CGI requires extensive study and is commonly used in fine art, printing, and special effects. It is extensively utilized in industries such as film, television, advertising, video games, architecture, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and simulation to enhance visual storytelling, create immersive experiences, and simulate environments or objects that may not exist in reality. CGI graphics enable artists and designers to manipulate and control elements like lighting, textures, and motion to achieve desired visual outcomes, adding depth and realism to digital content.

CGI Graphics
Computer vision, also known as technical vision, refers to the theory and technology focused on developing machines capable of detecting, recognizing, tracking, and classifying various objects using visual data. This field of study involves the creation of algorithms and systems that enable computers to interpret and understand visual information, similar to how humans perceive and process images.

Computer vision technology finds extensive applications in various systems and industries, including:

  • Process control systems (such as industrial robots and self-driving cars) for automation and optimization of tasks.
  • Video surveillance systems for monitoring and analyzing real-time video feeds for security and surveillance purposes.
  • Information organization systems, where it aids in managing and indexing vast amounts of visual data in sound or image databases.
  • Systems for modeling objects or environments, such as medical image analysis for diagnostics and treatment planning, and terrain map creation for navigation and mapping applications.
  • Augmented reality systems, which overlay digital information on the real world to enhance user experiences in gaming, education, training, and more.

Overall, computer vision plays a crucial role in enabling machines to interpret visual data effectively, leading to advancements in automation, surveillance, information management, modeling, and augmented reality systems.

Computer Vision
The AR Cloud, also known as the Augmented Reality Cloud, is a concept in the field of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. It represents a shared digital space that exists in the real world and is persistent across devices and users. The AR Cloud serves as a digital overlay on the physical world, allowing virtual objects to be anchored and interacted with in a specific physical location over time.

Simply put, the AR cloud can be thought of as a digital twin of the physical world, where digital information such as virtual objects, annotations, and experiences are spatially mapped and aligned with the real world. This allows users to access and interact with AR content that is contextually relevant to their physical surroundings.

Cloud Tracking
3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional representation of an object or scene using specialized software. It involves building a digital model with accurate geometric shapes, textures, colors, and lighting to simulate the appearance of real-world objects or environments. Such a model can either resemble real-world objects (a car, a building, an asteroid), or be completely abstract.

3D modeling is widely used in various industries such as animation, architecture, product design, gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) to visualize concepts, prototype designs, and create realistic simulations. This technique allows designers and artists to bring their ideas to life in a virtual space and manipulate objects in three dimensions for a more immersive and interactive experience.

3D Modeling
A 3D model is a digital representation of an object or environment created using three-dimensional modeling software. It is a virtual depiction of an entity with detailed geometric shapes, textures, colors, and lighting that closely mimics the appearance of real-world objects or scenes. Unlike a flat 2D image, the volume of a 3D model is achieved not only through height and width but also depth.

3D models can vary from realistic representations of physical objects such as cars, buildings, or characters to abstract and imaginative designs. These models serve a variety of purposes in industries such as animation, architecture, gaming, product design, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), enabling designers and creators to visualize concepts, prototype designs, and simulate real-world scenarios in a virtual space.

3D Model
A 2D image is a two-dimensional representation of an object, scene, or graphic created using imaging software or captured through traditional methods like photography or scanning. Unlike three-dimensional models, 2D images lack depth and appear flat on a surface. They are composed of height and width dimensions but do not include depth information, resulting in a representation that is typically viewed on screens or printed on paper.

2D images can be photographs, illustrations, drawings, paintings, or digital graphics that convey visual information in a flat format. These images are widely used in various applications such as advertising, graphic design, web design, printing, and digital media for conveying visual content effectively.

2D Image
Digital reality encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other immersive technologies that aim to simulate or enhance the user's perception of the environment through digital means. These technologies create a sense of presence or immersion by blending the physical and digital worlds, offering interactive and engaging experiences beyond traditional interfaces.

Digital reality enables users to interact with computer-generated environments, objects, and information in real-time, providing new ways to visualize data, explore virtual spaces, and enhance learning and entertainment experiences. By combining various immersive technologies, digital reality pushes the boundaries of human-computer interaction and opens up innovative possibilities across industries such as gaming, education, healthcare, and design.

Digital Reality
Digital space entry points are gateways that facilitate the transition from the physical world to digital environments, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). These entry points serve as interfaces or triggers that allow users to access and immerse themselves in digital experiences from their real-world surroundings.

Examples of digital space entry points may include QR codes, NFC tags, specialized apps, sensors, markers, or other interactive elements that facilitate the transition from physical reality to digital realms. In essence, any physical object has the potential to serve as a digital space entry point when augmented, virtual, or mixed reality technologies are integrated.

By interacting with these entry points, users can seamlessly transition into immersive digital environments, where they can engage with virtual objects, simulations, or information. These entry points play a crucial role in enabling users to access and experience AR, VR, or MR content, transforming how individuals interact with and perceive digital spaces through various devices and technologies.

Digital Space Entry Points
A 2D video involves capturing a real object in front of a green screen from a human-height perspective. The background of the video is then removed using graphic editing software, and the isolated object is inserted into an augmented reality (AR) environment at a perpendicular angle to the viewers. As viewers move around the object in the AR space, the object dynamically adjusts its orientation to face them, maintaining the illusion of volume and depth perception.

This technique creates a compelling visual effect where the 2D video object appears three-dimensional and interacts realistically with the viewer as they move around it, enhancing the immersive and interactive qualities of the augmented reality experience.

2D Video
It is a program or application that allows users to view three-dimensional models and objects on the screen of their device. It is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with 3D graphics, models, animations and prices.

With the 3D viewer, users can view objects from all sides, scale and rotate them, and sometimes edit or create their own 3D models. This is a useful application for architects, designers, engineers, artists and anyone who works with three-dimensional graphics.

3D Viewer
FPS stands for "Frames Per Second" and refers to the measurement used to describe the frame rate or frequency at which consecutive images (frames) are displayed in a video, animation, or video game. It indicates how many frames are rendered or displayed every second, determining the smoothness and fluidity of motion in visual content. A higher FPS value results in smoother motion and better visual quality, while a lower FPS may lead to choppy or stuttering motion.

FPS is a critical factor in determining the visual performance and overall viewing experience of digital content, especially in fast-paced action sequences in video games, movies, and animations.

Face Tracking, also referred to as face recognition technology, is a capability that enables the identification and tracking of facial features in augmented reality (AR). By utilizing computer vision algorithms, face tracking technology can accurately detect and follow the contours and movements of a user's face in real time.

This functionality allows for the creation and application of face filters, commonly known as AR masks, which overlay digital effects, animations, or virtual enhancements onto the user's face within the augmented reality environment. Face tracking enhances the interactive and personalized aspects of augmented reality experiences by enabling users to interact with virtual content that dynamically responds to their facial expressions and gestures.

Face Tracking
Geo Tracking, also known as geolocation recognition technology, is a functionality that enables users to trigger augmented reality (AR) content at specific locations within the real world. In this context, the marker used for activation is the geolocation or coordinates associated with a particular point on the Earth's surface. By detecting the user's location through GPS or other geolocation services, Geo Tracking allows augmented reality experiences to be activated when the user reaches a predefined geographic area.

This technology enhances location-based augmented reality experience by overlaying digital information, interactive elements, or virtual objects onto the physical environment based on the user's real-world position, creating immersive and contextually relevant AR experiences tied to specific geographic locations.

Geo Tracking
Generative AR is a fusion of generative art and augmented reality that opens up endless creative possibilities. In this case, generative art refers to the ability to create complex and intricate visuals, sounds, or even physical objects.

Generative AR
Human digitalization refers to the process of converting or representing human characteristics, behaviors, activities, or processes into digital form or data. This concept involves capturing, storing, analyzing, and utilizing information related to human individuals in digital formats.

Human digitalization encompasses a wide range of applications, from digital identity verification and biometric data collection to the creation of virtual representations of human users in virtual environments, such as in augmented or virtual reality or in the Metaverse. It involves the integration of technology to digitize human interactions, experiences, and attributes for various purposes such as personalized services, data analysis, virtual simulations, and more.

Human Digitalization
A hologram is an optical copy of a physical object that is completely three-dimensional, similar to a 3D model. Holograms are generated by recording the structure of the wave reflected from the object, capturing both its amplitude and phase using a laser. This process of creating holograms is known as "holography."

However, in popular culture, the term "hologram" has been somewhat distorted, leading to almost all three-dimensional projections and optical illusions being referred to as holograms.

Immersive design is the practice of creating experiences that deeply engage and captivate users by enveloping them in a multisensory environment. This design approach aims to fully immerse individuals in a virtual or physical space by leveraging interactive technologies, spatial design elements, audiovisual components, and interactive storytelling to evoke emotional responses and enhance user engagement.

Immersive design focuses on creating seamless and compelling experiences that blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds, allowing users to feel fully absorbed and connected to the designed environment or content.

Immersive Design
Immersive technologies are advanced tools and systems that create highly engaging and interactive experiences, typically involving virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other sensory technologies. These technologies aim to immerse users in digital environments that simulate real-world experiences by incorporating visual, auditory, and sometimes tactile feedback to enhance the sense of presence and interactivity.

Immersive technologies offer users the opportunity to explore and interact with virtual worlds, scenarios, or information in a way that feels realistic and engaging, providing a heightened level of immersion and sensory stimulation for a more compelling user experience.

Immersive Technologies
Interactivity refers to the engagement and real-time interaction with digital objects or elements within a virtual environment. This interaction can take various forms, such as initiating animations through clicks, engaging in conversations with virtual characters, accessing external websites, playing games, and more.

Interactivity enhances user engagement and participation by enabling users to actively manipulate and respond to digital content, creating dynamic and engaging experiences in which users can influence and interact with the virtual world in meaningful ways.

Image Tracking, also known as image recognition technology, is the process by which augmented reality (AR) content becomes visible when a camera is directed towards a specific image. Augmented reality experiences are activated when a designated marker is detected by the camera, triggering the display of digital overlays or virtual elements on top of the real-world image.

These markers can encompass various visual cues such as images, logos, photographs, or QR codes, serving as reference points for the AR system to recognize and align digital content with the physical environment captured by the camera. Image tracking technology enhances the interactive and immersive aspects of augmented reality applications by enabling the seamless integration of virtual content with real-world visuals.

Image Tracking
Interaction with the Metaverse can take place using a diverse range of technological devices, including but not limited to traditional personal computers, smartphones, tablets, virtual reality (VR) headsets, augmented reality (AR) glasses, and other wearable gadgets.

These devices serve as portals to access and engage with the virtual world of the Metaverse, enabling users to participate in immersive experiences, social interactions, virtual events, and various digital activities within the virtual environment. Each device offers unique capabilities and interfaces that enhance the user's engagement and presence in the Metaverse, providing a dynamic and interactive digital realm for exploration and interaction.

Interaction with the Metaverse
Multiplayer refers to a mode of interaction that involves collaborative engagement across multiple devices or platforms. This concept is commonly utilized in various contexts such as gaming, quests, large-scale presentations, and collaborative efforts among designers and engineers. In multiplayer environments, users can connect and interact with each other in real time, enabling simultaneous participation and cooperation towards shared objectives or experiences.

Multiplayer functionality enhances social interaction, teamwork, and engagement by facilitating communication and shared experiences among multiple participants, fostering a sense of community and collective achievement in interactive settings.

A marker is a component of reality to which augmented reality (AR) content is superimposed or added. Markers can take various forms, including images, specific locations within a physical space, coordinates, real-world objects, or other identifiable features that serve as reference points for overlaying digital information or virtual elements in an augmented reality experience.

Markers play a crucial role in enabling AR applications to recognize and anchor digital content accurately within the user's real-world environment, facilitating the seamless integration of virtual and physical elements in the augmented reality.

The Metaverse (from the Greek. μετά- — between, after, through and the word universe) is a permanent digital space where individuals can interact with each other and with digital objects through their avatars. It serves as a virtual universe where users can engage in various activities, socialize, work, play games, and explore digital environments in a shared online space.

The concept of the Metaverse involves immersive and interactive experiences that transcend physical boundaries, allowing users to create, interact, and engage in a virtual world.

Multiscene refers to a collection of interconnected scenes that are linked to a central entry point, such as a QR code or NFC tag. This concept allows for a seamless transition between different scenes or chapters within a digital experience.

For instance, in the context of a book with a single QR code at the beginning, each subsequent scan triggers different scenes or interactive elements that enhance the overall storytelling or engagement throughout the book. Multiscene setups are commonly used in interactive media, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and other digital platforms.

Motion capture, commonly known as mocap, is a technique used in computer animation and visual effects to record and translate the movements of objects or people into digital data. This process involves capturing the motion of real-life actors or objects using specialized sensors, cameras, or markers, and then converting this motion data into computer-generated animations.

Motion capture technology is widely used in the entertainment industry for creating lifelike character animations in movies, video games, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, as well as in scientific research, sports analysis, and other fields where realistic motion representation is essential.

Motion Capture
Mixed reality (MR), also known as Extended Reality (XR), is a technology that merges real-world environments with virtual elements, enabling physical and digital objects to coexist and interact in real time. In mixed reality experiences, users can engage with a blend of physical surroundings and computer-generated content, creating an immersive and interactive environment where virtual objects interact with the real world seamlessly.

This technology integrates virtual reality and augmented reality capabilities to offer users a dynamic and engaging experience that combines the best of both real and digital worlds. Mixed reality opens up innovative possibilities for applications in various fields such as gaming, education, training, design, and more, by transforming how users interact with and perceive the environment around them.

Mixed Reality (MR)
NFC chips, short for Near Field Communication chips, are microchips that can be read by a device at a close distance, typically no more than 20 cm. These chips are very small in size, making it convenient to embed them into various devices, labels, and bank cards.

NFC chips have a limited range of action, which ensures that communication between devices is secure and requires close proximity for data transfer.

NFC Chips
Occlusion, also known as barrier, is a feature that enables digital objects to be visually overlapped or hidden behind real-world objects in augmented reality experiences. This functionality allows virtual elements to interact realistically with the physical environment by appearing to be obstructed or obscured by objects that are closer to the viewer.

Occlusion plays a crucial role in enhancing the sense of depth and realism in augmented reality (AR) applications, enabling virtual objects to appear more integrated and immersive within the user's surroundings.

Object Tracking, also known as object recognition technology, is a process that involves integrating augmented reality (AR) elements with physical objects in the real world. In this mechanism, the marker used for augmentation is the physical object itself. By detecting and tracking the specific physical object through computer vision algorithms, Object Tracking enables the overlay of digital enhancements, information, or interactive elements onto the physical object in real-time.

This technology creates a digital replica of the physical object in a three-dimensional (3D) space, allowing users to interact with virtual content that interacts and aligns with the real-world object. Object Tracking enhances augmented reality experiences by merging digital elements seamlessly with physical objects, providing users with engaging and immersive interactions in mixed reality environments.

Object Tracking
Phygital, a portmanteau of "physical" and "digital," represents the concept of bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds, creating seamless integration and interactions between the two realms. This term signifies the blending of physical and digital elements to enhance user experiences and interactions in various contexts.

Phygital experiences aim to create a harmonious fusion of the tangible and digital worlds, offering innovative and engaging interactions that leverage the strengths of both physical and digital mediums. This concept is increasingly utilized in areas such as retail, marketing, entertainment, education, and beyond to create dynamic and compelling user experiences that blur the lines between the physical and digital realms. One of the most common examples of phygital products can be books and toys with augmented reality.

Phygital marketing is a marketing strategy that combines physical and digital elements to create a seamless and integrated experience for consumers. The term "phygital" is a blend of "physical" and "digital". In phygital marketing, brands use both online and offline channels to connect with their target audience and enhance the overall customer experience.

Digital marketing strives to create as many points of contact between the physical and digital worlds as possible to enhance the user experience. By combining these elements, brands have more opportunities to offer customers a more personalized and interactive experience. Analytics is not left out either. Phygital Marketing allows brands to collect data from both physical and digital interactions, providing valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences and trends.

Overall, Phygital Marketing offers a holistic approach to marketing that leverages the strengths of both the physical and digital worlds.

Phygital Marketing
A QR code, short for Quick Response Code, is a machine-readable optical symbol that stores information related to the object or item to which it is linked. It typically comprises four squares arranged in a square grid pattern on a white background, allowing for easy scanning and interpretation.

QR codes can store various types of data, such as website links, contact details, product information, or other content, and can be read using a camera or image processing devices equipped with QR code scanning capabilities. These codes serve as efficient tools for quickly accessing digital information including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR), or resources by scanning the code with a compatible device, enabling users to interact with content or perform actions linked to the encoded data.

QR Code
Real-time graphics refer to computer graphics that are generated and displayed instantly, without noticeable delay, as the user interacts with a computer or digital environment. Although the quality of real-time graphics is lower than CGI, its use allows for the generation of a high volume of images in a short period of time (up to 60 pictures per second). This type of graphics processing involves rendering images, animations, or visual effects on the fly, enabling immediate feedback and interaction in response to user inputs or changes in the environment.

Real-time graphics are commonly used in applications where responsiveness and interactivity are essential, such as video games, simulations, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. By rendering images at high speeds and maintaining consistent frame rates, real-time graphics create a seamless and immersive visual experience for users in dynamic digital environments.

Real-time Graphics
Repeat refers to a segment of an audio or visual recording that is played back in a continuous loop, allowing for cyclic playback of the content. This looping functionality enables the repeated playback of a specific portion of a recording, whether it is a musical track, a video clip, or any other form of media content.

By setting a repeat function, users can listen to or watch the same section of the recording multiple times without manual intervention, enhancing the convenience of enjoying and analyzing audiovisual material in a repetitive manner.

Realistic 3D scanning is a technology that enables the creation of a three-dimensional model of a real-world object by capturing and processing data related to its shape and dimensions. By using advanced scanning techniques such as laser scanning, structured light scanning, photogrammetry, or depth sensors, realistic 3D scanning accurately captures the physical characteristics and details of an object to generate a digital representation in three-dimensional space.

This technology allows for the precise replication of real objects in virtual environments, facilitating various applications in industries such as design, manufacturing, cultural heritage preservation, virtual reality, augmented reality, and more.

Realistic 3D Scanning
The realistic character integration refers to the capability of placing a physical object seamlessly within an augmented reality (AR) environment. This effect can be accomplished through various methods and technologies that enable the integration of real-world objects into augmented reality experiences.

By combining computer vision, spatial mapping, and object recognition techniques, realistic character integration allows users to interact with physical objects in the augmented reality space, creating a cohesive and immersive mixed reality experience. This technology enhances the realism and interactivity of augmented reality applications by seamlessly blending physical objects with virtual elements, offering users engaging and authentic interactions in the augmented environment.

The Realistic Character Integration
Spatial AR refers to the use of AR technology to overlay digital content onto the physical environment in a way that allows users to interact with the digital elements in a spatial context. Unlike traditional AR experiences, which are often limited to a flat surface or a specific location, spatial AR allows digital objects to be anchored and interacted with in three-dimensional space.

Imagine using spatial AR for interior design, where you can place virtual furniture in your living room and see how it fits and looks from different angles. Or in a navigation app, where you can see virtual arrows superimposed on the streets, guiding you to your destination in real time.

Spatial sound refers to audio technology that creates a three-dimensional auditory experience for the listener, simulating the perception of sound coming from different directions and distances within a virtual or physical environment. By incorporating spatial sound techniques, such as binaural recording, sound localization, and audio spatialization, sound designers can place and move audio sources in specific positions relative to the listener, enhancing the sense of immersion and realism in audio experiences.

Spatial sound enables users to perceive sound as they would in the real world, allowing for a more engaging and interactive auditory experience in various applications, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), gaming, cinema, and audio production.

Spatial Sound
SLAM, which stands for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, is a technology that enhances augmented reality (AR) experiences by simultaneously creating a map of the physical environment and determining the device's precise location within that environment in real time. By combining localization (determining where the device is in relation to its surroundings) and mapping (creating a representation of the environment), SLAM enables the seamless integration of virtual objects with the real world.

This technology is essential for accurately aligning virtual elements with physical objects, surfaces, and spaces, enabling users to interact with and manipulate digital content within their immediate surroundings in a coherent and realistic manner.

A scene in digital content creation refers to a collection of elements associated with a single script or setting. It typically includes models, animations, textures, lighting, sounds, and other assets that together form a specific environment or scenario within a digital space.

Scenes are used in various applications such as 3D modeling, animation, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and video games to create immersive and interactive experiences for users. They serve as the visual and auditory backdrop that users observe and interact with, shaping the overall narrative and visual presentation of the digital content.

A sprite is a two-dimensional graphic or image that is used within digital environments, typically in video games or computer graphics. Sprites are flat images that exist within a 2D space, allowing them to be easily manipulated, animated, and displayed on screens.

In the context of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) or video games, sprites are often used to represent characters, objects, or visual elements that can move independently within the game world. They are commonly used for efficient rendering and animation of objects in real-time applications, providing a cost-effective and versatile solution for creating dynamic visuals in interactive media.

Texture in 3D modeling refers to the image or pattern that covers a 3D model's surface, enhancing its appearance and realism. Textures play a crucial role in adding details such as color, roughness, shininess, and other surface characteristics to the model, making it more visually appealing and realistic. They provide depth and intricacy to the surfaces of 3D objects, allowing them to mimic real-world materials like wood, metal, fabric, or stone.

Overall, textures are essential for creating visually compelling and lifelike 3D models by adding depth and richness to their appearance.

Text-to-3D generative art specifically involves the conversion of textual input into three-dimensional visual representations. This process often uses algorithms to interpret the text and generate corresponding 3D models or sculptures. For example, a word or phrase could be transformed into a unique 3D shape, structure, or scene based on predefined rules or AI-generated designs.

Text input can be used as a trigger or parameter for generating AR content. For example, entering certain words or phrases could prompt the AR application to generate virtual 3D objects, animations, or visual effects that are superimposed on the user's physical environment when viewed through a device such as a smartphone or AR glasses. In this way, users can interact with and experience art in a personalized and interactive way, seamlessly blending the virtual and physical worlds.

This is a technology that allows you to use voice commands or audio input to create augmented reality. This means that users can interact with augmented reality elements using their voice as a control tool. For example, a user can say a voice command to display a specific object or perform a specific action in an augmented reality application.

Web AR, short for Web-based Augmented Reality, refers to the technology that enables users to access and experience augmented reality content directly through a web browser without the need to download additional applications or software. With Web AR, users can interact with virtual elements, animations, or 3D models overlaid onto the real world environment simply by accessing a specific web link on their devices.

This approach eliminates the barriers of traditional AR apps and allows for seamless and instant engagement with augmented reality experiences through a web interface, making AR content more accessible and user-friendly across a wide range of devices and platforms.

Web AR
It stands for Web Extended Reality and enables developers to create virtual and augmented reality applications that run directly in web browsers without the need for additional software or plug-ins.

With WebXR, developers can create experiences that can be accessed on a wide range of devices, including VR headsets, smartphones, and AR glasses. This technology opens up new possibilities for creating engaging content such as virtual tours, training simulations, interactive storytelling, educational experiences, and more.

Web XR
World Tracking, also known as space recognition technology, is a mechanism that triggers augmented reality (AR) content within a real-world environment and anchors it to a specific location identified by the device through scanning. This technology enables augmented reality experiences to be seamlessly integrated into the user's surroundings by accurately mapping and tracking the physical space.

By detecting and registering key points or surfaces in the environment, such as walls, floors, or objects, world tracking allows virtual content to interact realistically with the real-world elements captured by the device's camera. World tracking technology enhances the immersion and interactivity of augmented reality applications by dynamically aligning virtual objects with the user's environment, creating a cohesive and engaging mixed reality experience.

World Tracking
DEVAR is a phygital company blending the physical and digital worlds.

We believe that anyone should be able to design augmented reality, this is why we created MyWebAR, a platform that allows you to build AR without any experience or special skills. The future is now, are you ready to join us?
Let's Stay In Touch
DEVAR is a phygital company blending the physical and digital worlds.

We believe that anyone should be able to design augmented reality, this is why we created MyWebAR, a platform that allows you to build AR without any experience or special skills. The future is now, are you ready to join us?
Let's Stay In Touch